- In WorldofGlorantha_at_yahoogroups.com, Peter Metcalfe
<metcalph_at_...> wrote:
> At 02:35 a.m. 19/11/2008, you wrote:
> >Then wait for the book. :)
> I don't think it's really helpful or productive to hint at
> super secrets
> that obliviate everything that has gone before and refuse to
discuss it
> telling people instead to wait for some book that may never come
> If you have this cool theory about how Labrygon is Ralzakark,
> or Delecti then by all means provide a small summary and leave the
> details for the book. Simply playing games of "I know something
> don't" is far from a constructive use of this list and it isn't
very good
> marketing for that matter.
> --Peter Metcalfe
I really hope they don't "obliviate everything that has gone
before" with the Puzzle Canal. Or with anything for that matter. I
hope they simply Enlighten us.
For me, the Puzzle Canal is simply a representation of the Truth of
Illumination. It's got four corners. So does Glorantha.
Everything that enters the canal from Outside (Glorantha) is
attacked and rooted out. Everything (Chaos) that enters Glorantha
is attacked and rooted out. Chaos is at its root. The Fountain of
Chaos is at the root of Glorantha.
So of course seeing all four corners of the canal would lead to
enlightenment because ones perspective is changed by the inverse
nature of the canal. Suddenly, YOU are the chaos that everyone else
is trying to drive out of THEIR world.
If there's more to it than that, I see no reason why they just don't
say so.