- In WorldofGlorantha_at_yahoogroups.com, Peter Metcalfe
<metcalph_at_...> wrote:
> At 03:49 p.m. 18/12/2008, you wrote:
> >Oh, and I've found NOTHING to do with HQ's for Malia.
> Which is pretty much what it should be because Malia isn't a heroic
> cult. Malians exist to spread diseases and collect health
> The Goddess has no real need of Heroes.
> There are incredibly nasty Malian cultists wandering about but they
> exist solely at the whim of their goddess and ultimately they will
> catch something that will cause them to expire horribly.
> >One other thing, I've found contradictory sources that say Wakboth
> >slew his own father and that Storm Bull slew Ragnaglar.
> In the beginning these were separate Devil myths that were woven
> into one Devil by the unwise God Learners. Both versions are true.
> --Peter Metcalfe
Malia at some point would HAVE to have some way to lead to heroism.
Wakboth DOES come back and a Malian DOES have to preside over this.
If it weren't a Hero-Level task, anyone could have done it by now.
Bringing back the Devil is EPIC. It would require a suitably epic
Malian to bring it off.
So it is pretty obvious that there must be enough mythic quests for
a Malian to follow to eventually attain that level.
When you say a "hero cult" I think you are forgetting that not all
heroes are the "good guys". Anti-heroes are still heroes and I
don't believe that one of the Unholy Trio, who must complete a
HeroQuest even more rarely performed to its ultimate completion
(once ever) than the Lightbringers Quest could attain that level
without access to other HeroQuests along the way.
ONE Malian must do so, whether she's roleplayed or not.
Therefore, there must be both motivation for the Malian and a means
to attain such power as to do so.