Re: Electronic publising (Was Re: Good bye)

From: L C <lightcastle_at_g5rQlV_fSjar4na8PWDeTBEj3fbhF1Xi8bhu0lunoRd9u3PqhndVZO1eyvKVy6qv>
Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 19:33:56 -0400

John Machin wrote:
>All sorts of indie gaming folks have found that pre-orders, with PDFs
>being provided to pre-ordering clients until the books are printed, is
>a fairly good way to go. I found this really great with Houses of the
>Blooded since I could get hyped about it, get others hyped about it,
>and thereby encourage them to chase up the book once the thing went

Absolutely. It keeps momentum, I would say.

>A real key marketting point is getting the material out to the
>enthusiastic lunatics who want it, and who will actively try and get
>people to play it (and thus buy it). I'm sure that I've personally
>sold a fair few HQ books in my time and I've never worked in
>game-related retail!

I think I'm responsible for handful of purchases as well.

>(I also know that a fair few people are keen for
>HQ2 but are starting to look for other interim systems since the wait
>is going on and on; some are even pondering getting HQ1 until the new
>version emerges from the primordial ooze).

*nod* I think that's happening a fair amount.


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