Re: resurrection

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_a_WQJRZP9g4RMVHVDjh9yw0BGXkDJQjobQr6MJwFZwEieHbGJdxPtroaRgksXpsBHEa5_>
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 09:24:21 -0700

> hello !
> do you think chalana Arroy needs a heroquest to resurrect somebody ? If
> yes, is it possible for a priest of this cult to resurrect a non-orlanthi
> people ? :))

Yes, and Yes But...

They'd certainly have an easier time with Orlanthi - the mythic paths are well known. Other theists would be difficult, but probably not impossible. But the nature of the "afterlife" for animists and essence users would probably make it *much* more difficult to resurrect them. (And someone that actually made it to Solace is, imo, irrecoverable, as are those "swallowed" by chaos (not just "mortal body killed", but "entire essence/spirit/soul eaten")).

In HQ terms I'd probably tack on a +20 for non-Orlanthi theists, +40 for non-theists and some theists with hostile or otherwise "difficult" afterlives.

He was born with the gift of laughter and the sense that the world was mad R. Sabatini, Scaramouche            

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