Re: Runes of the Oronin Valley: the Bulls

From: John Machin <orichalka_at_5C4wz49QkmlzBmSS6DWimU13PxkEJhaSi6XqOjJbcYzkkJemgobjPI8SgUd6Xsiwed>
Date: Wed, 5 Aug 2009 10:30:03 +1000

2009/8/4 Peter Metcalfe <>:
> Orlanthi is the principal war god of the Orlanthi. Horse-riders either
> follow Elmal or Orlanth. That's not to say that a Humakti can't ride a
> horse into combat, he just doesn't have much in the way of divine
> assistance.
> Humakt is the principal killing machine of the Orlanthi but he's too
> focussed on killing people to be more helpful in warfare as practiced by
> the Orlanthi. He won't even engage in ambushes for example.

I thought this was about those Carmanian guys not the Orlanthi? If not then my bad!

John Machin
"Nothing is more beautiful than to know the All."
- Athanasius Kircher, 'The Great Art of Knowledge'.


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