Re: Gloranthan Sea Birds

From: Jeff Kyer <jakyer_at_daTZOzAwRHsBs5ceqP38US1SRbp6DFdFlfNDLK2C1LD8Oe9fpv4He8Jdh7VUPXZNpNur8>
Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2009 17:11:17 -0000

> I would assume that waertagi (as they were around then) were affected as
> they are 'similar' to humans, or were pure weartagi not? Maybe they were not
> affected.

We know the surviving Waertag were swept from the sea. Apparently a regrettable side-effect of the spell. Zzabur is famous for that sort of overkill. The returning Waertag want revenge and when Brithos pops back into 'reality' the reunion between these old allies will be fun to watch - from a distance.

I suspect it was "boat" regardless of who or was in it. Or 'Traveling on the ocean' as the flying magics practiced by the Justreli between Justrela and Slontos became impossible according to the Middle Sea Empire book. By targeting the concept 'boat' we can readily subvert the spell's logic because...

...who would sail across the ocean in a kumquat? Admittedly, its a 2 -masted kumquat with a 35 tonne cargo capacity and a crew of 57 but, ritually, its a freaking kumquat. It's not a cog at all.

One never whistles on a boat lest the Closing's attention be caught. Ask any sailor. He'll tell you!

> Or else Zzabur widened the 'races' of the spell as some Waetagi diplomat had
> got on wrong side of Zzabur (wet one of his fav pre-darkage carpets or
> something) prior to him starting the spell hundreds of years earlier.

Zzabur is (in)famous for his 'destroy the kingdom to save part of the village' style of magic. As long as a few of the correct and pure people survive, any level of casualties is acceptable. He was going to sink Fronela just on the off chance that the Vadeli had returned there. Only the Syndic's Ban stopped him.   

> Structures are probably not the best ban, as the Justelan empire would have
> created an 'flying' route between it and Seshnela. It must have been a
> broad racial 'ban'. Birds, elves and trolls being unaffected

It is implied in the Middle Sea book that these stopped working or became so dangerous as to be impossible.    

> Sean

But I'm sure folks more versed in lore will come up with better explanations.


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