from Satar: KoH, This World quests - movement through the Mortal World

From: Hal Bowman <hal_bowman1_at_URY68nN98NEBMW8SHnTlf0RG3MW-OlAAeXtHNR0Cf5YZhOQuyW480SEHszsUqBXy>
Date: Tue, 5 Jan 2010 12:15:40 -0800 (PST)

On a This World quest, movement and encounters occur largely in the Mortal World (p. 185, p.194). They encounter beings and things bearing the magical power of the Other Side (p.194) while their own actions are infused by the Other Side (p. 185).

OK, I'm trying to figure that out. Say the Rolf the Hero is trying to recreate a quest in which a demigod is ambushed while out hunting, gets beat up, but staggers off to a stream where the spirit of the stream heals his wounds. Rolf finds the best place to start (a hold spot of his clan, or a similar terrain to the original story, or maybe even the original place if he is able). He and his support start the quest.

I guess the next thing that should happen is the right sort of enemiy (or next best, another sort) show up and ambush Rolf, beating him up. Do they know they are in a heroquest? Does it make a difference to them or to the fight? How? Rolf crawls away - is he just crawling  and any old passerby can see him? Or he is somewhere else? Would the passerby notice something?

Sorry I am mechanistic and dense, but, well, it's a flaw of mine. Any insight would be useful, especially hints of how to use this in HQ or MRQ.                   

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