What is disease

From: Todd Gardiner <todd.gardiner_at_kpLWCWeBHjiH-_0iYJtMy4Ojq8pczwUKGQ84MzKz9WcPqrfMkRN64L2wMJMy6H>
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 11:13:13 -0800

I've been wondering for a while what is "disease".

Here are my thoughts:
Educated Earthlings consider disease to be a result of the body fighting a pathogen or genetic disorder. Some diseases are contagious and can be acquired from other people and/or from the environment. Careful hygienic practices can reduce or eliminate the risk of contagion. A disease is noticeable because of an affliction on the body, although a disease can be present (and possibly contagious) without outward signs. These afflictions can result in death, especially if left untreated. Treatment consists of aiding natural processes of the body for fighting the pathogen (influenza, plague), treating the symptoms of a genetic disorder (diabetes, depression), or in extreme cases removing the part(s) of the body with the disease (gangrene, cancer).

Ernaldan healers consider a disease to be a curse or divine infliction of the body and/or soul. Some diseases are contagious to other people in the community. They can also be acquired from violating taboos, affliction from *wyters *or other divine forces or demons, and through deliberate cursing by the magically powerful (who may be using divine forces or demons as the power behind the curse). Following proper behavior as set out by the gods can reduce the risk of contagion, as can watching and guiding the behavior of other people in your community. A disease is noticeable because of an affliction on the body, because of extreme changes in behavior or through regular divination; although a disease can be present (and possibly contagious) without outward sign, but usually divination will guard against this. These afflictions can result in death, especially if left untreated. Treatments consist of sacrifices and acts to make compensation for breaking taboo, using the healing power of Ernalda to overwhelm the disease power of wyters/demons, and magic to reknit or regrow the damages parts of the body following the disease's course. Some afflictions are not diseases in the divine understanding of the word and must be treated by a shaman or Chalana Arroy follower.

Kolating Shamans and Earth Witches consider a disease to be a possession or spiritual infliction of the body and/or spirit. Some diseases are contagious to other people. They can be acquired from offending local spirits, from encountering bad spirits in the environment, through curses by evil spirit practitioners. Following spirit practice customs can reduce the risk of contagion, as can spirit charms to ward off evil spirits. (Also, propitiation of Mallia can help here, but a shaman would not normally suggest this course of action.) A disease is noticeable because of an affliction on the body, because of extreme changes in behavior or through regular divination; although a disease can be present (and possibly contagious) without outward sign, but usually divination will guard against this. These afflictions can result in death, especially if left untreated. Treatments consist of appeasing local offended spirits, using healing spirits to counter the influence of bad spirits, having the shaman exorcise bad spirits, and magic to reknit or regrow the damages parts of the body following the disease's course. (Also, propitiation of Mallia can help here.) Some afflictions are not diseases in the spiritual understanding of the word and must be treated by a priestess of Ernalda or a Chalana Arroy follower.

Wizards from the West (probably) consider a disease to be a corruption of the natural essences that make up the human body. Some diseases are contagious to other people, although you get this from the environment more often. Diseases can be acquired by interacting with dangerous essences, perhaps unknowingly, and through curses sent with the right spells. Spells that protect against diseases can prevent diseases, if the right spell is used. A disease is noticeable because of an affliction of the body or through the use of the right spell to measure this corruption; although a disease can be present (and possibly contagious) without outward sign. These afflictions can result in death, especially if left untreated. Treatments consist of alchemical tinctures to aid the natural processes of the body for fighting this essential corruption, the right spell to remove the corruption, or in extreme cases removing the part(s) of the body with the disease. Some afflictions are not diseases in the sophistic understanding of the word and must be treated by a wizard with spells against spirits or divine powers, but usually the prognosis for these afflictions is grim.


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