Veneration, Sorcery, Wizardry

From: hcarteau_at_zIzcyLxi8BgNAbNg5CewxMp1tnDqzVcYSYfG9I4J_nBDToxpNTlNEi3oH4eVbDfQe9G
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2010 12:41:10 +0100

> Yes, although "venerate" is interpreted differently by different people.
> But understand it as an abstract process, a hidden system, a thing which
> (when revealed) is sometimes called worship, sorcery, wizardry, and a
> hundred specialized and local terms

/// To me, "veneration" is what the regular joes do in a malkioni society, to send their energies to God, guided by their liturgist / reader / chaplain, himself guided by his bishop / episcope, all following the Church's rules. At every step, Church authorities "tap" (I mean take) some of this energy for their own and their community's purposes.

The zzaburi, professionnal students of the Law, do know Logical magic which is called "wizardry" if it's church-sponsored and "sorcery" if it's independant from any church. Over time, "sorcery" has become a negative term, designing any wizardry that's not OURS (from our church). It's foreign, heretic, unclean. I suspect they even call "sorcery" what we call "theism" and "animism". Westerners have a view of the world that's as confused as the orlanthis !            

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