Re: The meaning of "hillbilly"

From: Chris Lemens <chrislemens_at_E6eUtqInsmI_1IX2jRWg6ss7v_AaWYT9xqoWmxuGhu0-8zvCUTFfwnsJHRBOQ0DS>
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2010 06:53:44 -0800 (PST)

> Although the term "hillbilly" has gone through many twists and turns over the last two centuries (once it just the free and rebellious settlers

> of the Appalachia hills) but now it is pretty much defined by the old "Lil' Abner" cartoons and movies like "Deliverence" and summons up
> images of a poor, ignorant, feuding family with a huge brood of children tending the family moonshine still.

And shootin' them revenooers!

(To the non-Americans: During Prohibition -- when we constitutionally illegalized liquor -- the Bureau of Revenue within the Treasury Department was in charge of enforcing the liquor laws. Hillbillies thus called them revenuers.)

I'm sure that there are lunar revenuers. Maybe that's what Ghost Gors was really about. There could be a lunar hero band called the Untouchables, with their leader, Eliotus Nessus.

Chris Lemens

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