Re: Sneaking into a rokari mass / reading : your opinions

From: Trotsky <TTrotsky_at_nWX-rgoptc-jwOEeIP50X9C9aOIig_Z3-1moGgHlTQ1GmT7Hz5Bv3uie60d60AaSlay>
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2010 18:43:07 +0000 wrote:
> Dear learned folks,
> My players want to infiltrate rokari masses / reading ceremonies to gather
> informatioin and learn more about the local rokari church before
> acting against
> it.
> How hard would it be for a stranger to infiltrate a rokari mass / reading
> ceremony ? Of course, he/she would be disguised, use concealment
> magics, etc.

No harder than sneaking into an Orlanthi Holy Day ritual, but not really any easier, either. The bit he's going to have most trouble with, I suggest, is when they all enter the Hero Plane and notice he's no longer with them - unless he's invisible, or some such.

> More specifically, how could the church's Guardian react ? Could it
> sense a
> foreigner among the pious, even if said foreigner has no hostile intention
> beyond listening in ?

Yes, I think it would be able to do that (again, much as an Orlanthi wyter would). Wandering around a town is one thing, actually infiltrating the sacred rites of the cult is the sort of thing that guardians get pretty narked about. Being a proselytising faith, however, they might react less aggressively than Orlanthi would if he can somehow convince them he isn't hostile and has a genuine interest in converting to the faith.

> And how would you play this, rules-wise, to spice up the moment and
> make the
> player sweat in expectation and fear ?

Clearly, there's going to be some contest between his disguise ability/magic and the Guardian's defence or perception, and since the Guardian is being backed up by the community, that's not going to be easy. One thing to remember is that a key part of the ceremony is the casting of ceremonial blessings or curses, and you can probably do something with that. You could have him try and resist succumbing to the "Work Hard for Church" blessing (which is a mandatory part of the service), or suffer the ill-effects of something like "Curse Questioner" or "Curse Worshipper of Graven Idols" (which the vicar picks as part of the lesson). It may help if he has some idea that this sort of thing is coming - and, that he's going to be right at the epicentre of the magic - but doesn't know exactly which one he's going to get saddled with until it happens. As the vicar goes through his sermon, it will slowly become clear which particular curse/blessing he has in mind for today, other than the standard ones. Pick one he's really not going to like :)

Gamer and Skeptic

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