Re: Sneaking into a rokari mass / reading : your opinions

From: Jeff <richaje_at_h5DHkGzLg1UUoOFOfSGJqX1ZyZt2GrMv_7t40RSRMWV6zKKYmLmiJREs5IjPUf7rQv89>
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 07:09:20 -0000

> My players want to infiltrate rokari masses / reading ceremonies to gather
> informatioin and learn more about the local rokari church before acting against
> it.

Well since there is no Malkioni "mass" (let's be precise, the word "mass" - "Ite, missa est", "Go, it is sent") refers to the sacrament of the Eucharist and there is no Malkioni equivalent to that ritual), I'd say very hard!

But as for sneaking into the reading of the Text by the Readers, I'd make that the subject of an short or extended contest at whatever difficulty level seems appropriate to you (I'd make it pretty high). Cause the players to sweat when they have to speak the sacred words of welcome when the enter ("Words of welcome? What do you mean there are words of welcome") or when they don't know one of the responses to the text which everyone attending knows.


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