Re: Sneaking into a rokari mass / reading : your opinions

From: hcarteau_at_VpD7nRYy_46tdqyaN1TWnLTrucnJ5JGSyqyC2BRPjEifbQA2ktQNTTIMugrKgkRJGVB
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 20:44:45 +0100

> > No harder than sneaking into an Orlanthi Holy Day ritual, but not really
> > any easier, either. The bit he's going to have most trouble with, I
> > suggest, is when they all enter the Hero Plane and notice he's no longer
> > with them - unless he's invisible, or some such.
> No, it is fundamentally different, if only for social reasons. At an
> Orlanthi ritual, everyone will be from the same clan, or an invited
> guest. Maybe in a city you'll have enough non-clansmen for an outsider
> to slip in, but even that is not sure.
> That is excluding invisibility, illusions, mind control, and all the
> other stuff PCs are known for doing.

/// Oh, nothing that fancy. I think they'll use Disguise and acting skills, a "Face in the Crowd" talent and their Guardian's "Avoid Ennemy" ablity. That's a reasonable mix.            

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