Re: Sneaking into a rokari mass / reading : your opinions

From: hcarteau_at_z6LvFprU3583Ve_yyLAEH64trg7BnvAIiCECub6ptznD4SHN-EgNFNwX-i5PvAirq0n
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 20:57:37 +0100

> That might well depend on the nature of the guardian (and possibly the
> foreigner). Assuming that a Rokari Church Guardian works in a similar manner
> to an Orlanthi Wyter, a Guardian that offers protection from "Pagan" Hsunchen
> might fail to spot "Heathen" Orlanthi or "Heretical" Ship of Life Malkioni
/// I seem to remembers most malkioni church guardians are actually physical relics with "passive" ablities ; there was the example of a Censer swung around during Reading in HQ1. So perhaps the PC could get in (wow, that was easy !) and start getting worried when divining incense begins filling the church, while the reader loudly searches for Sin among the congregation.

> Relying on Concealment or Disguise Magic (rather than mundane skills) might
> make it harder for the congregation to spot the intruder, but much easier for
> the guardian (casting "foreign" magic in a temple always being harder)
/// Hm. Good point. Let them chose how they try, mundane or magic-based approach. Each has strong and weak points.

> First handle getting in to the church - test of diaguise/sneak/conceal
> whatever against a difficulty dependant on the particular church chosen. If
> there is a large floating population then it will be easier than the isloated
> village church.

/// Fay Jee is a medium-sized, cosmopolitan city but the rokari community is pretty tightly controlled by the Episcope. But, with proper preparation, a player could pass him/herself as a passing rokari. One of the PC has seshnelan origins. Trouble is, she's a sorcerer who ran away from Seshnela and has a "hate seshnegi" and "hunted by rokari inquistion" traits !

Success indicates they seem to fit in , failure means they
> are attracting attention - describe how the congregation react, pointing and
> staring, or coming and questioning them about who they are, where they come
> from (they are not necessarily hostile, they might just be curious). The
> characters responses might result in them choosing to abort the plan, or
> provoke the church authorities to intervene before they learn anything.
/// Hm, good for a PC pretending to be rokari. Let's face it, who but a rokari would even think of attending rokari Reading ?

> Then the service proper starts - make another test to see if the Liturgist
> (Vicar/Bishop/Wizard whoever) or other "Officers" of the church recognise the
> presence of intruders. They may have a lingering benefit or penalty from the
> result of the previous test.

/// Yes, excellent. Or this could be run as an extended contest, with each gain in RP leading to the next step.

A success will result in them learning some of what they were after (assuming that it was something that would be revealed in a regular service, obviously!), /// They're not after secrets yet - they want to really know what the rokari are about. What is told to the masses ? Can we negotiate with these guys or will have to take them down ?

a failure means they have been rumbled. A low failure (marginal/minor) means the authorities re trying to deal with them subtely, without disrupting the service - describe how they spot glances in their direction, and officials approaching where they are located - they can try to sneak out, fight their way out or stay put and try and bluff their way out later. /// I love the feeling of side glances, the shuffling of church guards getting closer, the church doors being locked (loud metallic noise)... It all leads to a nice climax.

A high failure sees them denounced from the pulpit... /// And this is where the "Curse Pagan" from the Reader comes in, full bore.

> I see the Rokari as very much "Fire and Brimstone" style preachers,
> haranguing their congregation for their sins and failures, so even
> successfully hidden characters may feel uneasy when the Liturgist announces
> that their is a sinner amongst the congregation who will never reach solace
> unless they renounce their evil ways and make restitution, especially as he
> seems to be looking directly at them... If they are safe (and play it cool)
> then the parishoner in the row behind them breaks down and makes a public
> confession and act of contrition

//// Yep, I like this conclusion too. The PC(s) stumble back out of the church, sweaty and shaking, and if successful are invited to tea by some nice old lady or someone like that, and have one more opportunity to discover The TRUTH about the rokari plot...            

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