Re: This attitude is bullshit and does not belong here

From: julianlord <julian.lord_at_gliggSkaQsl1C1k7cVCYtcXXyE2oMkWhrcsw8PfljvMzSP7R0jFzoEfihTfXq9H1>
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2010 23:29:33 -0000

Simon Phipp :

> Greg Stafford:
> > If people can't stand my "correct attitude," there must be some place where
> > whiner and wingers can meet to waste their own bandwidth.
> Here for example.

I can confirm that whining is not only tolerated but positively encouraged at that web space ; and as for whinging, well let's just say that anyone with a desire to come and whinge on a public forum can come and whinge there to their heart's desire.

Julian Lord, Immoderator, IGQ            

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