why did King Broyan die like he did ?

From: hcarteau_at_x8ILl3y38W1Vm571qoCgOAx_xlKI4uRbBskexRLk7JU7T2G2jqSDEfO-8jRSH9uAVUh
Date: Sat, 29 May 2010 21:49:14 +0200

Honored scholars,

Sez in various books that Good King Broyan was killed by a kitori demon "with many sharp mouths" he could not defend against because he had betrayed the City of Wonders by giving it to Harrek and his crews to loot and ruin.

One friend asked, why would the kitori care about anything happening to the City of Wonders ? It was established by Belintar in the 14th century only, well after the kitori tribe. There was no link between them. Why would they have sent a demon to punish Argrath, who did sell out the city to this madman/bear Harrek ?

I have a few half-formed ideas : Broyan was Vingkot himself since 1617 and he had to uphold all of Vingkot's commitments, i.e. to Ezkankkeko. I know the OOO was dead in 1625 and the City of Wonders did not exist when he/it was alive, but if the island it was built on was considered part of the Kingdom of Night anyway, then Vingkot / Broyan did betray his word and became open to retalation. It's the best theory I've come up with so far.

What say you ?            

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