Re: How did Arkat obtain Illumination

From: Richard Hayes <richard_hayes29_at_eihBnHgS_hnjIVcJC5Wicnq1mbd36zkc9t71sgQ4VwgSrRRoI7uq-XuLqxnJ>
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2010 14:56:30 +0000 (GMT)

Interesting, because the Autarchy did eventually have an emperor-- and iirc the last one was Paslac, later Saint Paslac.

Clearly Arkat was a role model, but I am not at all sure that he was never the Emperor, even if he left a lot of the governing to subordinates.

How current is the thinking that Arkat ceased to act liken a Troll, and 'retired' to become a farmer and/or battle his demons, in a region of Ralios described on some old maps as "Arkat's Peace"?

Secondly there was a tale in TOTRM 12 about Arkat's Three Generals, each of whom became something like a viceroy over a large portion of the Autarchy, whilst also setting the tone for a kind of Stygian Malkionism depending on the extent to which the believer could simultaneously follow Malkioni and 'pagan' practices.

I don't have the text in front of me, but I remember that one was a diplomatic 'Bishop' (Judge in modern parlance?) He founded Tolerantism-- the idea that a good Malkioni should tolerate paganism (in pagans), and be free to say "some of my best friends are pagans" (and mean it), provided he/she did not dabble in paganism himself.

The third General was a convert from the Galanini tribe (the former Horse-Hsunchen), and he practised Involvism(?) -- which sounded a bit like Third Age Henotheism. This church/school had a central rite called the Razor Dance, which symbolised the precarious balancing act the worshipper performed by serving the Visible Gods and the Invisible God.

The second general came somehere in between the two, and practised something called Permissivism (?), most of the details of which escape me. What I do remember (hopefully correctly) was that paganism was sufficently okay that (i) your daughter could marry one; and (ii) that it was okay to perform non-essence plane common magic, but not to start learning advanced divine magic. Permissivists also drew the line at accepting non-Malkioni into castes other than the farmer caste.

Richard Hayes

From: Osentalka <> Subject: Re: How did Arkat obtain Illumination To:
Date: Tuesday, 8 June, 2010, 15:09

Hello friends

IMHO Arkat was a role model to the people of the Autarchy, not their "emperor".



----- Original Message -----
From: "Greg Stafford" <> To: <> Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 4:04 PM
Subject: Re: How did Arkat obtain Illumination

YGWV On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 3:32 AM, Peter Metcalfe <>wrote:

>  > Jérôme is right, we know little about
> > how Arkat and his heirs ruled, what the state religion (if any) was, how
> (and
> > if) Arkat's teaching were passed to younger generations, etc. etc.
> My thinking.

As usual Peter is so right on again here. I will add another modifier--not just fear of Arkat. but also respect and honor.

Greg Stafford
Game Designer

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