Belintar's Magics

From: hcarteau_at_MtjTUR1DtbuY-4KKH5Q5TK-w8Aoe5w-6PO-thAPUpCt38oifY_X8bE9N7E6r71CsCfi
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2010 09:00:55 +0200

Selon Peter Metcalfe <>:

> The School of Ronos Allwinds was a common magic cult rather than a
> sorcery school. I dunno how such cults would be treated generally in HQ2.
/// Hm. Guess I'll make it a sorcery school.

> As for Belintar; Esrolia the Land of 10,000 goddesses states that of the
> six goddesses of the land, one is actually a spirit (Mirrorsea) and
> another is an essence from God Forgot. So yes, you can have Shamans and
> Sorcerors of the Living God.

/// Ah, good.

> Examples of Pharaonic Cults would be the Order of Hepherones and the
> School of Ronos Allwinds (both mentioned in MoLaD).
/// Got to read that again. It was a wordy Heroband.

> The main difference between Pharaonic Cults and ordinary cults in my
> thinking is that ordinary cults get their magic from the Gods, Saints
> and Spirits while Pharaonic Cults get their magic from the Holy Realm,
> the magical shadow of Kethaela. People and temples may worship both
> approaches or focus on one or the other.
/// Hmm. It'll take some thinking to translate this beautiful concept in game terms, so PC can feel the difference. But I like it !

> Pharaonic Magic would be like a clan wyter (see Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes),
save that it can be modified with visits to the Holy Realm. /// Ah... Pharaoh is the GUARDIAN of the whole Holy Country ? That's a thought. And any community can add new powers to its guardian, or boost it, with proper rituals I believe.

> I'm dabbling with the idea that the Masters of Luck and Death have their
> own pharaonic wyters.

/// Hm. Interesting.            

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