Re: Connecting the dots between Anilla and Zaytenera

From: hcarteau_at_Z-TDhPDgrHAuo-gZAUBIeLl_8n4ZuRMg0w4gKts_oQlU7BKuXjt3w0cCjmp3hiJcucR
Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2010 18:14:43 +0200

Selon Roderick and Ellen Robertson <>:

> Except that, *according to Lunar myth*, Lesilla and Ulurda were just aspects
> of Sedenya. They are not related to Anilla, the Blue-Streak Moon, which seems
to have been around whrther the other Moon was or wasn't in the sky. /// Your point is clear : they are independant moons, there's no link. It's not what I want to believe !

> the Blue Moon that we can detect isn't part of the "Lunar" Religion (they have
myths to explain it, but they don't worship it just because it"s a "moon"). /// Fine and well ; it's those myths I'm interested in ! Care to invent one ?

> On the other hand, there's probably *someone* out there that believes what
> you're trying to prove...

/// Well, yes, there's me. For the fun of it, I have no specific plan to link that to my campaign. Perhaps write a nice article about it tho.            

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