Re: Syphon river and chaos

From: Jeff <richaje_at_3jjYM9Po6D7NXfZtioT1GCIHObE3y-g9xgAGUJS1ga5MqZ8VEtnBCXEgOMXkIEZlVJn2>
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2010 04:27:40 -0000

The Syphon River is described in History of the Heortling Peoples:

Syphon River
The Syphon is a truly remarkable river that cuts through the Forest of Thieves. It is a truly remarkable sight and the river causes great distress for the superstitious Hendrikings. The Hendriki say that all the waters of the world used to run uphill, but that alone of all the waters of the world the Syphon refused to obey their sea god Magasta, who cursed the river to flow backward from Choralinthor Bay uphill, and then into an evil valley the Hendriking and then to fall into a hole that they say leads to the Underworld. This Valley, which bears further exploration, is said to house both creatures of stone and also krjalki, and that the two are locked into eternal war.  

Crazed warriors guard the lands leading into the vale and they are allowed to commit violent murders while in the midst of religious frenzy without penalty. The Syphon is salty, like the sea, and its water foul. However, the river is rich in birds and fish, and at the settlement of Backford, the Hendrikings have made brine ponds to extract salt from its waters.

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