Re: Connecting the dots between Anilla and Zaytenera

From: hcarteau_at__1rTtoV9oI4QwD7PcG_ewBotOWpLlf8drjbEQm6udXRaIhishGzzeaeeBWUJmykCyFW
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2010 17:43:14 +0200

Selon oomizuaovenrashorana <>:

> > /// To me, they call it Quatanara. Botzakang summoned its spirit in the
> form of a monstrous bat which ate the chaos demon urkatol, then mated with him
to give birth to the local clan ancestors.
> Oh, description of trolls in Mongoose Publishing's RQ.
/// It is ? I had no idea. I use sources from all around and mix them, adding my twist to the resulting broth.

> So, Quatanara (who is maybe called Annilla by humans) and Lesilla shared same
> planet as their manifestation, and also share same myth of fall from sky.
/// Well... I don't think so. Quatanara is what inhabited the part of Lesilla's body fallen to earth, and was awakened by Botzkagang. So it's only part of Lesilla, and a corrupted part. We know most of Lesilla went to hell after being shot and became Gerra, Goddess of Suffering.

> But like Antirius and Elmal, they are two different goddesses and their
followers never consider their goddesses are one and the same. /// I can live with that.

> By the way, the flying trolls of Blue Moon Plateau, which is mentioned in
ILH1, have bat wings, perhaps??
/// There is a hybrid race of bats and trolls called sen mari ("bat trolls"). They are used by Uzko as hunting dogs. Some were taken to Trowjang by the Loper Folk.            

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