No dots between Anilla and Zaytenera ?

From: hcarteau_at_Ifj0FpgeyiNawtJeMLJOo3VqtJEg_6ksB6hahcaILw3hDF2e1Z9ThnrgCMopS6k0X7r
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2010 18:17:23 +0200

Selon Greg Stafford <>:

> Oh, unlucky folk to fall under my eye

/// Uh ?

(I'd like to know if there is a connection between old Anilla, who "shone her blue light over the battles between Dragons and Giants", before the Green Age, and Zaytenera the virginal White Moon. Any takers for this question ?)

> Me! No, there is no connection

Aargh. My pet theory died on me. Oh woe. Wait, it's... rising again, like Annilla herself. Truly there are no coincidences.

/// Zaytenera, this errant solar deity, fell into the underworld and experienced bad things there once her father refused to ransom her. She was in fact killed by the Old Annilla and became blue like a corpse. Being a turning Goddess, she did manage to rise again, but changed. She was blue, she hung lower in the skies, she became pal with Water beings (she might have ridden the Lorion to the skies) : she was Lesilla, holder of part of Annilla.

/// I also have a second theory linking Annilla to Sedenya but I'll wait for you to shoot down this one before revealing it.

> > "before the Green Age" is also a bit flakey. :)
> Yes, an unprovable fact to humans. However, entities (elves) who WERE there
and remember say this is so
/// So we do know that the First Blue Moon is much older than the sun and the skies. I read somewhere she was a "proto-sun" made by the Waters and Darkness to prevent the rising of the new Element. That does sound nice. But I wonder then how baby Yelm did find himself in Hell, watched by AA, ZZ and XU ?            

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