Re: Your ideas about a plot development in Fay Jee

From: hcarteau_at_t3PJYd8LmiYcMSo649Jn95uIPxaChTt0HfdMY8v5zTuTaPXrvTR7UhS2Vd24AdzeA3F
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2010 13:30:07 +0200

Selon Peter Metcalfe <>:

> Have the Heroes announce a contest that whoever can find the Black Spear
> can work for them.

/// OK, but we'll use some proper malkioni item (a blessed scarf or whatever).

The spies and swindlers cheat their way into finding the Black Spear. /// Yesss... Right under the nose of PCs who are "referring" the contest.

The heroes will receive vague indications that something's up (who's been searching my room?)
/// Some omen might work too.

and if they try to search for a possible suspect, the spies and swindlers have a fall guy lined up - someone who is intentionally suspicious and whose masking will allow the others to sneak in undetected. /// Yes, I could build up an unfriendly, "unlike us" NPC just to be the fall guy.

/// Thanks for the idea. I wonder how these paranoid players will react to the "Find the Relic" contest !            

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