Re: The Wonders of Joy

From: julianlord <julian.lord_at_JeNRe9gLYE9MXtj4uNcFXJ99W2-fYi3Xzfbu9YLx6VHrxaalRAzvHwU6rNKMZ4Cc>
Date: Mon, 01 Nov 2010 11:19:19 -0000

hcarteau :
> > * It's worth remembering that Malkioni theology often posits God to be
> > material in Nature
> /// God's First Action was to separate Matter from Energy. He is Beyond the
> crass material realms. Woe to the heretic. Burn, burn.

Thou rank fool, shouldst stick to what knoweth and understandeth, not trouble better minds than thine with these vacuous musings and accusations !! Hadst thou studied thy Booke and not wasted thy mind in foolishness and idleness, wouldst know that Matter and Energy are the orders of Reality, not separate, but conjoined in purpose for God's highest and most noble Design.

Desist and quiet this pratling nonsense, lest thou desireth to visit the gaols of our Lord for this Evil agitation and rabble rousing !! Unless thou shouldst prefer a more practical demonstration of these Divine principles, when I showe thee the manner whereby the Energy of the Divine Flame can be caused to Manifest most scorchingly in the Sorry Matter of thy scurveous Fleshe ?  

> the benefits in this world of magic and religious spirituality are certainly
> held to be material in nature, bearing in mind that magic is itself a category
> of subtle matter from this point of view, rather than being considered as being
> non-material.
> /// More heretism ! Our magics are the result of using our Reason, which God
> gave us, to manipulate higher powers and make us all better men in His eyes.

All that showest is the great distance between thy Soul and Hrestol's Joy.

I pray for thee brother, but cometh not before me with thy idle threats and pratling nonsense, for surely I can guide thee most quickly indeed into the After Life of God, and more certainly than thy weak mind can provide for itself !!

Repent thy foolishnesse !!

It is Reason that leads us to the Grace and Joy of God -- meditate wisely upon this Truth, else thou shalt be lost !!

> "Everything Real Exists" is one of the most fundamental axioms of mainstream
> Malkioni philosophy.
> /// In the only proper Church (mine), such axioms are not lightly spoken, and
> not before everybody.

Thou perfect fool !! Thus thou revealeth the slimy nature of thy vicious heresy !! Thinkest thou to revile and deny the very teachings of Holy Hrestol ? Equal are we all in birth, and equal in our Holy Yearning for the Truth of God !!

Thou caste-bound heretic, all are of God, and God is for all. Thou wouldst snatch the very bosom of verity from the mouths of our babes, to preserve thy pomp and privilege !!

Fie !! Repent thy evil, mendacious ways, and seek for Joy and for God !!

> Tis true "everything material exists", but many material
> things such as the demons manifesting in this world are rotten fruits, the
> result of Devolution and a way to losing yourself in Hell.
> The dronari simple essences might misunderstand such an affirmation by thinking
> "worshipping" such things is a key to bettering their lot.

Thou faileth to understand even the most simple of Holy Teaching Laws for our infants, and presumeth yet to preach unto others ?

Our children and our youths can only lose the virtuous pathway to God if they are lied to and denied the very thing that can save them -- Knowledge, and Reason. Verily, thy southern heresy is thus showne as the Path to Perdition and Ignorance !!

Repent !!            

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