Re: Seshnegi Questions

From: Greg Stafford <glorantha1_at_LpQ9QQwpAB_9uNREDFd7uRbe9qitnJgiswGOIX7AwUlqOSOcfC-NlbF6aIZ_1dldh>
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2010 08:33:54 -0700

YGWV On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 7:02 AM, Scott Mayne <> wrote:

> Interesting stuff... Seems prejudicial to my knighthood preconceptions, but
> interesting :) Out of curiosity, is this material being developed for a
> product, like background information in the mapbook or an article in
> Gloranthology? Or would this have been in Sorcerer Knights if it had been
> published?

Actually, I've discovered some of this since the old Chaosium product was being planned

Has Hrestol's Saga been updated or rewritten?


> These Men of All, when they fought did they sometimes ride around on horses
> with heraldic shields and lances?

At the equivalent of their technology and so on, yes. proto-heraldry anyway.

> > After the Dawn, Hrestol's Men of All have a new, invigorating spiritual
> path that opens up new possibilities for those capable of following it.
> Is this path following Hrestol's, with the Court of Silence and all that,

To become a Superior Man, a Man of All, yes.

or is it more like hearing Hrestol's message, becoming inspired,

Hrestol's Message was for everyone who cared to listen. Over the centuries thousands and thousands of people have been liberated into Joy. That is what the massive, community worship services are for--they participate in the (heroquest-worship) act as Witnesses, and personally embrace Joy.

> and taking a possibly different route (ultimately leading to a personal
> experience of Joy, I suppose).

The variant paths to Joy all follow Hrestol's general instructions. Saints have, over the centuries, explored how far away from the precise path they can act and still get the benefits of Joy (pretty far, for instance, as Carmanians; or simply as passive Witnesses). But they all follow the same general path of Preparation, Revelation, Return, Teaching, Dissolution.

> For example, how did Faraalz become the second "knight"?

He was Hrestol's best friend, and also the son of the Talar of Neleswal, another Seshnegi colony nearby. (The communities communicated through the elf forest between them)

After his experience of Joy, was Hrestol the Prophet able to perform
> miracles like those attributed to Old Malkion (the Hollow Stone, the Roaring
> Bridge, etc.)?

The simplified story says yes, of course he was, and provides a list. The actual story, to those who study, is more complex His first miracle was for the Vadeli--he had given up all his accoutrements of humanity to preach. His "good uncle" tried to kill Hrestol and his party for a ceremony and feast, but the miraculous appearance of the Seven Steps to Freedom armed Hrestol and the others, and after a jolly slaughter he, his original party, and the New Boatmen converted their island to a ship and sailed away. (The boat ended up as the peninsula in Fronela called Newboat.)

He performed a miracle in contest with the Zzaburites, in Brithos, and thereby obtained the New Crew, Brithini converts whose efforts to follow Hrestol's do-everything path resulted in more "don't do" stories, usually funny at the expense of the New Crew who, nonetheless, keep on trying. The Boatmen and New Crew arrived in Loskalm with him, and were joined by a third group, called the Awaiters, who knew of him already and had prepared for his arrival. These three groups provide for the methods of worship: Boatmen, the first Witnesses
New Crew, the people who are actively working on themselves as Vessels of Joy
Awaiters, people who are devoted entirely to Hrestol's Path

and of course, the Men of All, who are such Vessels.

Greg Stafford
Game Designer

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