Re: Unmanageable healers

From: hcarteau_at_wghIK4uk0SPhNbORr1PSK-I70TDxIzIXjkdC4lm80d1caOENkohMGMXx24qCpaGidZW
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2010 22:07:37 +0100


> Me, actually. =)
/// Good, excellent. Bravo again.

 I just now invented this scenario in order to give you a specific example of the problem, and give a personal Orlanthi reply to your personal Orlanthi offer of support. However, should I ever get to run the campaign I have in mind, I will now definitely include this episode.
/// Oh yes. Do tell us about how your PC will handle this mess. I'm curious to
read about that one. In fact, I'll try and slip something like that in my Fay Jee campaign if the occasion arises.

> I was quoting the U.S. Constitution, which defines treason in exactly those > words.... (snip)
/// Sorry, the what ??? Is this "Kon-sti-tui-sion" one of them weird sorcerer
words ? Do you want to be dipped in hot tar and thrown into the marsh ?

I do think that idea is an important component of how many people think about betrayal
/// Which "people" ? RW anglo-saxon lawyers or orlanthi tribesmen whose
primarly, sacred motto is "No One Can Make You Do Anything" ?

and why I personally don't trust people who want to heal *everything* any more than I trust people who want to hurt everything.
/// It's fanatics of any cloth I don't trust. But the orlanthi do respect them
when they stem from their own culture. They call them "Holy Persons". ;-)

In my opinion, it's Chalana Arroy's certitude and wounded judgement that need healing, not Humakt's and Orlanth's.
/// But your opinion isn't important - it's your players' that will matter. Do
make sure - if I may say - they don't hurt her. Have the clan authorities say, don't touch her. Then let them squirm.

When a Eurmali does the same thing and the chief kills him for it, the whole clan cheers.
/// It's his Sacred Role to suffer, get kicked and eventually get killed by the
sane folks.

When a Humakti does the same thing and has to be killed to stop the damage, the whole clan breathes a sigh of relief.
/// No they don't. They spend many sleepless nights fearing the arrival of other
Sword Brothers out to avenge their own. Or fearing Humakt's wrath next time they have to battle some ennemy. They won't dare to invoke Him and thus lose valuable War Magics.
Every action has consequences, especially killing, even that of a misfit.

When a Chalana Arroy devotee heals a mortally wounded person she knows is an enemy warrior, who then returns to battle and kills her friends and relatives in an entirelypredictable fashion, it's the healer's fault.
/// Sez you. "The Goddess guides my steps. She extends her Healing Power through
me. I am but her Vessel". This are all Holy Words, above Clan/Tribal Law. Nothing in our Laws covers a healer out to hurt her clan.

What do you do? You can't kill her, even though she's just as dangerous. So what's left?
/// Perhaps you could send for an older Healer who would show her the error of
her ways because her actions cause suffering. In the end it's all politics - make a nice donnation to the CA temple in the nearest town and they might well discipline her in some way.            

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