Godlearner taxonomy

From: hcarteau_at_wvcXQUHpe7Tl3kKgYNjniUIVqcDUYWxVwcC9HMbtUu6BGOP2WFxqyg1PP9ZukgIbiwb
Date: Sat, 11 Dec 2010 10:58:46 +0100

Selon ryancaveney_at_c-OL6FUFeX_gls6QT2rmpsX_oFX0NOOEdyIYxTUOFkEoZjZehiO9ox3d3wQj1mV_dX86ZTZNHiuPWtw.yahoo.invalid:

> Then what's the deal with all the Latin(ish) scientific names in the (RQ and
> HQ) creature listings, like "Styganthropus uzko" (trolls) and "Capricephalus
> chaos" (broo)? I thought they were specific examples of a Gloranthan
classification system.
/// Not specific, no. Not at this Age anyway. The GL are dead. Destroyed. Annihilated. Not many people of today (sages) would use this taxonomy.

Anaxial's Roster says, "One of the best known [classification systems] is that of Ocron Everseer, which was spread widely by the God Learners but is now used only by the westerners. It is similar to the terrestrial scientific system familiar to most readers." Is this not true? /// It was, but again : the GL are dead. That some obscure zoology / botany (for aldryami) folio reached us is but a dim memory of them. The information is useful and worth preserving, but we good 3rd age people do not use their classification system anymore.            

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