Re: How does veneration work?

From: julianlord <julian.lord_at_z6v_NvmKv6CuSVYqQR_keBirCwdQHFSlbOogpo_IYE770w8S66JkJ-V0rnjSiDwl>
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2010 07:08:56 -0000

Peter Metcalfe :

> So what follows is my brief stab...
> Saints are Malkioni that have acquired some critical understanding of
> God that is not readily apparent/Hidden/Invisible to mortals.
> When lesser Malkioni worship a Saint, they are performing a little spell
> that allows some sharing of this understanding to occur. But because
> their brains are so small, they eventually forget and have to repeatedly
> worship the saint to maintain access to this understanding.

Whatever its merits in the wider scheme of things, that's actually a damn good description of some Old Seshnelan and Castle Coast practises as far as I understand them... (and that the Rokari are desperately trying to annihilate btw) :-)

Julian Lord            

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