The day Prince Yorge died

From: hcarteau_at_hzQ9pKGxuhnToG7a4HNhtJADrARsTYFjXuSrW7AQHK6SagX328smhKxcYnjAi-a7ALA
Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2011 21:22:41 +0100

This is an obituary.

Today, in our 26th game, after two years of RW and campaign time, Prince Yorge died.

He was cut in twain before the horrified PCs (and the rest of Fay Jee VIPs) while walking to his fate, to try again to submit the demon to his will. The PCs ran through the portal to rush to his help but too late : he had died.

They had expected that Yorge, tired of life and broken by his first attempt, would fail and die. They had spent the whole afternoon (three weeks gaming time) building a coalition to support their choice of successor, Demoiselle Anika du Derysi. They had learned a lot about many peoples' motivations. They hoped Yorge would survive but didn't expect it. When they sprang in Hell, it was to take his Essence back to Fay Jee, where it would be nurtured to become the City's New Guardian.

They also wanted to negociate the demon's peaceful release, using the promise to give it its Heart of Movement back (long story). The demon was very interested and starting moaning after his slavery. Then the sorcerer PC said, completely unexpectedly "we'll offer you your gaoler - we'll kill him for you". Fay Jee called Dralkos the Exhumani, master of the order of Feeders (think AD&D Lich) to its Hell. When they realized they had bitten more than they could chew, Uasti the sorceress touched the demon with her Selenium Glove, intutively using its Flow and Ebb magics to channel the power of the demon through her body to the volcano warrior they had chosen to kill Dralkos. Inspired, the Caselain Priest did the same.

I used the "pyrrhic contest" rule which worked very well in this case. Dralkos was destroyed, putting a perfect, violent end to a whole afternoon of politicking !            

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