Incidentally, Pamaltela ought, IMO, to have a bunch of other short-necked giraffids, whether or not it has your actual okapis. /Sivatherium/ is the obvious example, of course, but one also thinks of /Prolibytherium/ or /Girrafokeryx/ (the latter probably looking very okapi-like).
> If so how did they come about, and how do the Praxians feel about them?
Assuming that they exist in Teshnos, they'll still be something that the Praxians only encounter rarely. Still, if they do know of them, it's difficult to see them as herd beasts, or as maligned as horses. They might be some strange offshoot of the Eirithan herd beasts that rejected the offer of joining with a human tribe, for instance, and the idea of herdbeasts-without-a-tribe might have interesting implications for them.
Obviously, if they're Pamaltelan, their origin will be somehow linked to
Doraddi myth, about which I know rather less.
-- Trotsky Gamer and Skeptic ------------------------------------------------------ Trotsky's RPG website: Not a Dead Communist: Synapsida:
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