Re: Safelster Q&A part 2

From: Jeff <richaje_at_R4LcDtRGJM3Lagc4qCi_QKv7gd4M_3VCEFH0fHFOxtRd4B4aGljtgo02WoBlJ5q4TN9S>
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2011 14:39:36 -0000

> Is the presence of a holy well in Uton an indicator of Celtic parallels in the Utoni culture, or is it an outlier from the Seshnegi and Tanisoran cultures to the Southwest?

Neither. The sacred well of Uele Oline at Uton is a source of healing powers (she's the sister of Torif Vamale, the Utoni war god).

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Not all holy wells are Celtic. Personally I see Uele Oline as more Near Eastern or Thracian, with bathing, purity, and the occasional orgiastic ritual. But that's just me.


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