> In MRQII Arolanit seems to be the bread basket of Seshnela, 700 years later
> in RQ3 there are 190,000 Brithini in Arolanit - my how they bred? At it
> like rabbits they were.
/// Jeff will tell you how many brithin remain today, but I'd say much less.
Something terrible happened to Arolanit at the end of the second age. I think
the local brithini tapped the Land almost dry to fend off a catastrophe such as
Seshnela's Tsunami, creating another catastrophe.
In MRQII the Esvulari were a Dawn Age irreligious people in eastern Seshnela
> & Maniria, that become a sect of Malkioni. In Tradetalk #12 they are
> distant cousins of the Orlanthi of Dragon Pass, which incorporated malkioni
> migrants, and evolved into the Aeolian Church.
/// The esvulari had been cut off from mainstream malkionism for a very long
time. They were subjugated by the MSE's splendor. Then the Rebound destroyed the
Empire, leaving them again isolated. No wonder they began again emphasizing
their links to their neighbors ! And there were a lot of opportunities for cross
mariages and alliances over the centuries.
Which I suppose brings me to the question as to how Canon is MRQI & MRQII?
/// Personally I don't care - like you, I take what I like and use it. MRQ was
never cannon, except for Loz' works.
Anyway, basically, nothing is Cannon anymore - there'll be a lot of changes in
the future GtG (Guide to Genertela) !
> Cannot wait to get my hands on this Harrek Saga. But I have just one
> request. Please just start it off with: "So your floating out into the
> ocean on a giants cradle when.". My players still have terrible memories of
> THAT adventure, and as they are getting on now, I would like to have a good
> chance of getting them to the table.
/// Do tell us what these "terrible memories" are please ; nothing like a good
disaster story to generate new ideas !
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