> All this talk of Casinotown got me thinking first that I'd misread the
> title and then that there's a story to be told in the mis-reading.
> Cassion Town. The possibly Zistorite, possibly Mostali, possibly
> someone else entirely colony at the bottom of the ocean. Air breathers
> locked in a hostile environment, sealed within a crumbling city,
> probably thinking that they're the only humans (or other) left alive
> on the lozenge. And one that (if the Gloranthan laws of physics are
> anything like ours) would doom them to a painful death by
> decompression sickness if ever they did ascend to the surface.
Nice idea... an airtight dome, strange Mostali machinery slowly falling apart, and a bunch of humans trapped there. Evil Mermen outside...
Could be a group of humans enslaved at the end of the Iron Wars and escaping in an unwatched moment?
Sounds like a good mini-campaign.
> I vaguely remember the idea of there being such a place sealed into a
> magical bubble somewhere in the former Slontos. Do we know anything
> about the place.