Now if the Leader dies, on This World, his accompanying PCs are FREE to do what they want : leave or end the practise quest. Unless the merchant dies surrounded by a hundred savage praxians ; there is the matter of said praxians to solve first.
If they want to go on, the PCs would have to "improvise Issaries". Do they even speak Tradetalk ? Do they have anything to barter with ? In This World, you can't barter your skills or soul.
Hi all,
I'm on the look for bad things that could happen in a "This World" heroquest. Let's say this is an Issaries heroquest, and the PCs (none of them Issaries initiates) have been recruited by the Issaries priest/merchant to accompany him in the quest and act as his guard.
What if the Issaries priest NPC dies during the quest? Would the quest automatically fail and end at that point or would the PCs still be able to go on to try and finish the quest without him?
What if one of the PCs is an initiate of the Solar pantheon, for example, could he be able to use his solar magic normally during the Issaries quest or would that be more difficult for him as it is not appropriate for the quest?
If the heroquest ends well and the Issaries priest achieves his goal, would his "guard" get another (smaller) benefit?
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