On 29 Sep 2011, at 13:01, giannieanna wrote:
> I am looking for a detailed time-line of Umathela; I am particularly interested in the events of the 10th century.
Here are some old notes I made. Some of this covers nearby Fonrit, and I'm not sure if "unpublished" is still true (might have ended up in Missing Lands?) or what source I was looking at... B = Breakout magazine, this was basically what was later in Missing Lands.
901: False Gods Revolt, University of Yoranday destroyed [B34]
901-911 Fonritan cities revolt from God Learners. <http://www.glorantha.com/greg/seshnelanKings3.html>
+ Duke of Kolar (Six-Legged Empire) annihilated
+ Coalition of Umathela rebels and prevents Jrusteli ships from landing
921 (est): Hombori Tondo settled (700 years ago) [H6.37]
922 Last Jrusteli/Seshnegi possessions in the south are lost (i.e. find independence from the Empire) [RM.41]
940: Jrustela sunk [GB.23]
942: Closing scoured Fonrit coasts [unpublished]
943: Pillars of Water rise in Kareeshtu [unpublished]
944: Pillars of Water splash onto land, fleet of the dead sails [unpublished]
950: Jrusteli scholar claims Enkloso elves are extinct [B34]
954: Fleet of dragonships smashed universities [B34]
955: Worst of Closing over in Fonrit [unpublished]
955: Closing reaches Umathela, Teleos [GB.23]
956: Closing reaches Marthino Sea [GB.23]
998: Jrusteli scholar Dakon Ven Dalorin demonstrated that Basmoli of Tarien spoke Basmoli [GloranthaBook.34]
1020: Legions of elves and trollkin defeat Lord of the Worlds Knowledge, ruler of Vralos and Enkloso [B34, GB.23]
David Dunham
Glorantha/HQ/RQ page: www.pensee.com/dunham/glorantha.html
Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein