Re: Odal and personal property among the Orlanthi.

From: Alison Place <alison_place_at_s0TKhnrsU1RENF23oGs6SOEbYRPzZwAwQ_qMBK9vFNgLDbovlhBLdIpD9yW6Rv6>
Date: Wed, 9 May 2012 19:01:57 -0700 (PDT)

It may be some treasure trove rights that are being discussed.  In English common law (before 1996), and in many other countries settled by the English, something that was obviously just lost long ago, or was (like Sutton Hoo) left where it was found without any intent to recover, it is the property of the finder, or finder and landowner.  If it was hidden on purpose, with intent to recover later (like the Cheapside Hoard), then it belongs to the state, at least in part, if no heirs can be found.  In this case, the tribal king.  I can't really see any rationale to this, except that where valuables are concerned, the powers-that-be always want their share.  

Orlanthi legalists can have much fun with this notion.  For instance, 'treasure', as legally defined under the old law, must be at least half silver or gold.  I would imagine that magic items are included in Gloranthan traditions.   

I was interested to note, on checking on the RW laws, that the term was originally an Anglo-French one, tresor trové, or 'found treasure', but trove came to be a word in its own right.  


> From: chris jensen romer <>
>Sent: Wednesday, May 9, 2012 8:57:50 PM
>Subject: RE: Odal and personal property among the Orlanthi.

>A maximum game fun consensus appears to have emerged, and I have only been watching with one eye, and what I note here has probaly been mentioned by Peter by now; but in the Tarkalorsaga (KoS, p.174) appears a story about the Night Jumpers of the Kurtali clan. The story is not that relevant, but one sentence in their negotiations with the Tribal King Enfrew may be -- "The clan said it would agree, but only if the clan was exempt from all normal payments to the king, including tribute and battle plunder and found treasures and visiting rights." This proves the breaking point in negotiations, so clearly they are of some value, or were in the time of Enfrew, though I am far from certain when that was.
>So it might appear that not only the clan, but the Tribal King, may actually have some claim upon "found treasures", at least in that tribe? (Malani???)
>Dunno if helpful at all.
>cj x
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