Re: Nepotism among the Heortlings

From: Simon Phipp <>
Date: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 21:13:27 -0000

Zachary Kline:

> I had a player character who was interested in being cast as the
> daughter of the current clan chief. I was curious what sort of
> status would be accorded such a person.

She would be of high status, probably that of a thane or the female equivalent. She might even be considered a Carl, if that is the nobility term.

> The impression I've gotten is that they tend to frown on succession
> via bloodline.

The Kings of Sartar are descended through bloodline, so it is certainly possible amongst Heortlings.

I don't think that being descended from a chief gives an automatic right to become a chief, though, or if it does in certain clans it is extremely rare.

> Would the status of a daughter depend on her occupation, or would
> weight be given to her family tie? I know chieftainship is an
> elected position, and there is nothing to say the current chief
> cannot be forced out.

People being people, the very fact that she is a chief's daughter makes her important in some people's eyes. Other people look down on her, as she only got to her position because she is the daughter of a chief. It certainly doesn't hurt to be the daughter of a chief, especially if the chief is famous, in good standing and popular.

If the chief is deposed, then being his daughter might be a curse, in some ways. She might lose a lot of friends and might lose position or influence. However, she might gain importance or influence amongst the old chief's retainers and allies.

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