Re: Whitewall

From: David Scott [WorldofGlorantha] <>
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2015 12:54:26 +0100

If I recall correctly, in David Hall's original Lismelder campaign, the players turn up to Whitewall on side of the Lunars. I think they couldn't pay their taxes and some of the fyrd had to work for them as mercenary provincial troops. Much more fun than being a defender...

David Scott
(emailed from mobile)

> On 15 Jul 2015, at 19:22, Pomeroi <> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I ask for any hints on how to handle your PCs to witness events of high
> impact on history!
> I intend to have my (not-so-high-level) party witness the Fall of
> Whitewall. I have access to most of Sartar is Rising, and I do have the
> RQ Adventures IV, so some background is given. I have to study the stuff
> I already have yet, but still I thought to ask here early.
> I think RQ IV is kind of overkill. See, "witness" above is the right
> word. My PCs shall have action, but not much influence. I tend to keep
> it low. As a PC in my game you are not too likely to talk to Broyan or
> Kallyr. I am not even sure whether the PCs should be IN Whitewall in
> critical (key) situations. I just want them to have this "Orlanth is
> Dead" feeling 1st hand, and then tunnel them according to their emotions
> towards... we will see. I gather many adventures went to where they
> still could resist the Lunars, like in Prax and Pavis?
> Oh, the reason why they could be there is given through their
> background. They did have contact to an Orlanthi underground activists,
> perhaps connected to the Righteous Wind.
> Okay, back to my 1st question: Any hints on how to handle your PCs to
> witness events of high impact to history? - or especially this one!
> tia
> Pomeroi

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