Search the Library of Lhankor Mhy

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Important hints

The following words and signs have a special meaning and cannot be searched as such:
AND, OR, NOT, (, ), ?, *, - (hyphen "-" and most interpunctuation are treated as space: Alda Chur and Alda-Chur are the same!)

And be aware there is list of stopwords. Stopwords do not make it into the search index data base, so the SE does not find them.

Why to use NOT by example (and what " are good for!)

Rainbow NOT Mounds to find something about rainbows without having to filter off all those remarks about this famous location and Apple Lane scenario. And use "quote" signs to combine! "Rainbow Girl" to find something about this spirit/cult and not all pages with these two words somewhere in the text.

Beware of typical typos or variant spelling

Because some wrong spellings are consistently found in the mailing lists. Use variants to find ALL.

Morokanth (correct) * Morocanth * Morokanth or Morocanth * or in this case Moro?anth 

Dragonewt (correct) * Dragonnewt * dragonewt or dragonnewt or eravssarr

Kerofin * "Kero Fin" * "Kero Fin" or Kerofin

( Lhankor or Lankor ) Mhy

Mallia or Malia

Ratslaff or Ratslaf

Jonstown or Jonston

Aldachur * Alda Chur

Stormbull * "Storm Bull" * Urox

Interesting Searches


Perhaps because you plan the particpation of your gamers in this historical event? Type the main search term Whitewall and add characteristic values: 1621 * Broyan * Kallyr * Crimson Bat * take part * timeline * siege Related, but better go without the word "Whitewall": Windstop * Fimbulwinter or "fimbul winter" (see above about variant spelling!)

Novels and Stories

Not just "non-fiction", we even have printed novels and stories set in Glorantha, and of course many, many contributions in the net. Even some game write-ups qualify as good reads.

Novels * Stories * Myths * Scenario * Adventure * Penelope Love * John Boyle * Griselda * Oliver Dickinson

Biturian Varosh Travels

Biturian Varosh Travels