Re: Re: Tree resources

From: Bryan Thexton <bethexton_at_qYOXYmDIUZNTqYevT8FthSrpMJu9FfapLGCjw8PXDD1fsnqix7QqetYIs5PSHqAK_t>
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 07:26:27 -0800 (PST)

> >> * Tree lore will probably be filtered through Ernaldan and Odaylan
> >> prisms.

I doubt it is just those cults. After all, you have orlanthi carpenters and hunters, Yinkini hunters, and many cults will use wood in various ways. I agree that Enalda will probably have the strongest relationships however.

> >> * There will be god's associations with trees, and with tree
> >> powers, that we have little mythic knowledge of at present.
> >> You'll have to make them up. :)

I agree that mythic association with trees will probably be the most common thing. I.E. most trees everywhere are "mundane," part of the normal world, with no inherent magical powers. Almost all magic flows from various otherworlds, however. So there probably isn't much "the leaves of the oak cure the purple pox." but rather more, "When the purple pox struck the pigs, Ernalda made a paste of Oak leaves which she applied to the pigs, easing their madness. When the paste fell off three days later the pigs were healed. Now when the purple pox strikes we do the same thing and pray to Ernalda for her blessing." Similarly particular cults and sub-cults may prefer to make certain things out of certain woods (or refuse to use others), or will burn certain woods during their ceremonies. "Durev put a knocker of knotted apple-wood at his door, and it wouldn't sound for anyone not wearing their true face, and so we still use apple wood to reveal illusion." "When Orlanth made his first axe and started clearing land, he made the handle out of Elm and the head out of aluminum. However when he went to cut down the water-birches, the handle broke, and the axe-head flew into the stream, which stole it. Ever since the water powers have held power over aluminum, and we never make axe handles out of Elm." Type thing (but lined up with traditional uses and aversions, to give more resonance).

> >> * Most trees will have attendant powers, naiads, spirits or (ahem)
> >> 'tree-shepherds'.

Just about every tree will be in the domain of some power (daimone, spirit, essence). However in many cases I don't think specific trees attract much attention. For example, the trees on a clan's tula are in the domaine of its wyter, and it will notice if someone else cuts some down, but it won't particularly care about the fate of any given tree. Of course there are exceptions, magical trees, highly powered groves, jealous guardians.....but I don't think that every time you cut down a tree it becomes a great magical adventure. (quick aside to note that for firewood you want trees (or branches of them at least) that are already dead, if possible, as this makes both cutting and drying easier. And with just bronze axes to work with, you want every edge that you can get when it comes to cutting wood. Those who need live trees seem more likely to have to deal with guardians, and indeed there is magic to help them).


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