XPe Aldrya


Goddess of the Woods

Elf pantheon

This goddess rules in all regions where trees dominate: pine forests, deciduous woodlands, and tropical jungle. She commands everything within the woods including plants, animals, wells and springs, bright glades and dappled glens, emptiness and shadow, ghosts, and terrifying spirits.

Aldrya is also mother of elves and dryads, who are her servants in the forests. In an ancient time referred to as the Green Age, Aldrya and the elves ruled all the world. She is now bitter about the loss of her preeminence, which explains why woods are intrinsically creepy to mankind.

Elves depict her as a tree with many different leaves and fruits upon her, humans as a beautiful dryad.

There are several subcults of the cult of Aldrya, including the Children of the Forest, the High King Elf, Shamans of Aldrya, Wood Lords, and Gardeners.

Children of the Forest

Admission to the cult of Aldrya is virtually automatic for an Elf. Admission for non-elves is rumoured to be more difficult. Initiates take vows to protect plants and other forms of life everywhere. Aldrya grants her worshippers healing and plant-related magics.

Wood Lords

The Wood Lords are Rune Lord/Priests dedicated in service to Aldrya. They must be masters with the Elf Bow, as well as with certain "woodsy"-type skills.


To join the Gardener sub-cult, one must first have been a shaman of Aldrya or a Wood Lord for many years (at least 20-30). The Gardeners are closer to Aldrya than her other worshippers. Aldrya grants her worshippers powerful divine magics.