AsreliaXe! Asrelia


Grandmother of Wealth

Storm and Troll pantheons

Asrelia is the keeper and distributor of all which is good and desired. Her priestesses are in charge of the treasuries of most Earth cult temples. She is also the mother of Ernalda and Maran Gor.

Asrelia grants her worshippers protection- and Earth-related magics.

Among humans she is pictured as an ugly hag bedecked in endless necklaces and rings, and cloaked in robes studded with precious metals. Shining jewels, sparking flints, living stones, fossils, and numberless coins blanket the ground at her feet.

Among trolls she is symbolized as a bowl carved from granite. On the bowl's exterior are stylized ears stuffed closed with wooden or dirt plugs. The bowl's lip is ridged and sharp, and the bowl's interior has three to seven undulating lines in concentric circles about the center.