Zorak Zoran

(ZOR-ak ZOR-an)

God of Hate and Vengeance

Titled Lord Demon of the Legions of Death, Zorak Zoran is the primary war god for trolls, and his worship is even found among humans. Zorak Zoran is the mindless explosion of fear and frenzy against both order and choas which finds its only justification and satisfaction in unlimited violence. As much as others might regret it, he is one who helped save the world and whose powers may one day be needed again.

Zorak Zoran was mostly unknown until Humakt brought Death into the world. Since then he has gained fame by killing other gods, not all of them Chaotic.

Zorak Zoran is portrayed as an old three-eyed man or troll. In one of his hands he holds a mace and with the other he makes a magical gesture.


A candidate for initiation into the cult of Zorak Zoran must be skilled with a blunt weapon, as well as pass some sort of test. Zorak Zoran grants his initiates combat- and darkness-related magics.

Death Lords

Death Lords are the combined Rune Lords/Priests of Zorak Zoran. They must be masters with combat skills. Zorak Zoran grants the Death Lords undead- and death-related divine magics.