Power Gaming

From: Cheiron <cheiron_at_ix.netcom.com>
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 1996 09:41:48 -0700

In his posting on 4 Aug, Carl Fink wrote:

>I'm struck by a couple of people thinking that a character having
>three uses of Sever Spirit is a "high powered" or "power gamer" game.

Since I'm the one who brought this old buggaboo back up again (in an effort to wrap my post on Blue Vadeli in asbestos), maybe I should clarify that my defensive posture was basically a joke. I've been playing RQ for most of my adult life and over the years I've played and run in all levels of campaigns. From the puddliest ("Oh no. It's a rubble runner.") to the almost superheroic ("So, after we summoned a duplicate of the Faceless Statue and used it to kill the Crimson Bat...") and enjoyed them all. Both are great fun. As Carl says:

>a game that began with
>the PCs as RQ3 16-year-olds, with no magic and all their skills at
>their base percentages [or]
>a game where each PC was a...
>heroquester, in which we... could and did take on demigods in
>That's not a distortion, IMO, of Gloranthan roleplaying.

I agree. Part of the beauty of RQ is that it's a very playable game at almost any level (though GMing the really deadly PCs is a little more difficult). If I have more affection for my characters of heroic proportions, it's only because I've played them since the Carter Administration.

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