
From: Nikk Effingham <wal_at_eff.u-net.com>
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 1997 20:11:46 +0000

Somebody asked why elves don't have the immortality "gene" in their race.

But they do!!!! Elves are communual species, the forest is the entity that is important, not the individual, the Aldryami form one huge living entity. The Forest never dies from age, as the elves are constantly reborn anew. Ergo, they have no need for immortals. All the thoughts and feelings and collective knowledge of the race are probably stored in magical ancestral trees for later retrieval.

Also, Elves "die" every winter when they hibernate. They have no fear of the Lands of Death like the other races do, I think elves probably also go in for reincarnation.


Nikk E.

Nikk the Broo Shaman of Thed

    "If absolute power corrupts absolutely,

     where does that leave God?"
                -- George Daacon


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