Enclosure and Glorantha Con V

From: Neil Robinson <neilr_at_gonzo.wolfenet.com>
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 1997 21:35:51 +0000


As the Krarshti overlord of the Pacific Northwest Farmers Nest, buried deep in the underbelly of Mount Baker, I would like to apologize for the enthusiastic chatter of my Drools (Jeff RIchard, David Dunham, Dave Pearton, Pam Carlson, and Martin Laurie, et al) for pushing both Enclosure and the Con itself. They will be punished appropriately.

True, Enclosure will be filled with lots of useful articles.... True, the Convention will feature a bevy of wonderful events, not one but two LARPs, have a set of guests rivaling a Lunar orgy, our own Heroquest, and panels discussing the dark secrets of Glorantha, and much much more.

One of my Drools (Dave Pearton) has offered to lead a trip to the northwest wilds and there are still spots open to go Dancing with Orcas.

Another of my Drools will be publishing the events list soon.

Neil, Mouth of Krarsht.
(and if you think that's my real name....)

P.S. LARP spots are nearly gone, but there a lot of wonderful Minigames as well - hint, hint.

Neil Robinson          Glorantha-Con V net rep.  July 25-27 1997
neilr_at_wolfenet.com     Come visit our web site!
Seattle, WA  USA       http://www.pensee.com/dunham/glorantha/con5/gcon5.htm


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