Broo reproduction

From: Eric D. Hansen <>
Date: Tue, 02 Dec 1997 06:58:14 -0500

Sandy wrote:

> >at the time it was not known how broos bred. Now it is common
> >knowledge

Sergio Replied:

> What is common knowledge Sandy? I may be missing something but I'm not sure
> to share that common knowledge. So, can you please remember it?

    A description of broo reproduction can be found on p.55 of Lords of Terror, under the heading Female Broos:

"A broo can mate with an organism of any race or sex and produce offspring, a larval broo which eats its way out of the abdomen of its host. Broo thus enforce Thed's will upon the rest of the world in vengeance for the crime inflicted upon her."

    I think someone already connected broo births with the film Alien. This is right on the mark. Broos reproduce by implanting larvae, not through normal sperm-egg procreation. Therefore, the "mother" (really just a host) provides no genetic code for the child, but is simply used for incubation. Any bestial features the subsequent baby broo has are, IMO, a result of the particular features of the raping broo combined with chaotic effects rather than the genes of the host.

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