
From: MOB <>
Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 00:30:54 +1000

G'day all,


>With Godunya's mind on... elevated matters, I think it's a cert that
>assorted others are 'positioning themselves', if not for outright
>sedition, then certainly for getting their grubby hands on the levers of
>effective power, that have lately been left under-used by Godunya's
>marvellously radiant ones...

Agree with this. With both the Pharoah and Moonson apparently disappearing off the deep end as the Hero Wars hot up, it's gonna be more interesting to have this other great Genertelan empire face disintegration with its ruler still nominally at the helm. I immediately think of the Opium wars, where the Emperor received splendidly fictitious reports from his officials of his armies annihilating the Red-Haired Devils, right up to when they came knocking on his front door...

>This may take the form less of armies
>rampaging from one end of Kralorela to the other, as of controlling
>access to Godunya, operating cartels of supposedly minor officials,
>blackmail, palm-greasing, and general sneakiness.

Agree to this too, though if armies were rampaging across the breadth of Kralorela, Godunya would probably be the last to hear of it!

Peter is Wonderful

Martin in V7 #599 on Peter rejecting his RE/pharaoh concept:

>You are wonderful! "and that was rightly dismissed", by who, MOB? You? A
>couple of people? Wow! I'm overwhelmed by the righteousness of everyone!
>This is your opinion Peter and perhaps that of others.

>I don't see any
>problem with you having an opinion, other than the fact that I wish you'd
>more like the first post on the RE debate you made with all the quotes, as
>that was excellent scholarship. I do wish you wouldn't "rightly dismiss" my
>right to an opinion.

Hang on! Despite the fact it does look like it's Martin (& Wes) against the whole wide world, there's a fundamental power imbalance here though, one that doesn't apply to usual GD debates (yurts, poisons, Morokanth thumbs, the relative fuzziness of Uleria's Cup, etc).

Peter's opinions on Big Red, regardless of how well-researched and argued they may or may not be, remain just that, his *opinions*, expressed here on the Glorantha Digest. Likewise mine, Nick's, Alex's, David's, Trotsky's, anyone's on this topic.

Whereas Martin's opinions carry some measure of authority, in his role as ordained "Lunar Expert" and direct conduit from the mouth/oriface of Greg. Given he's also writing the HW Lunar Book, what Martin thinks carries additional force as it could presumably end up as "canon" (to use his term) in an official source.

So, when Martin proposes something that seriously goes against the grain, alarm bells ring. Passions are aroused.

The alternative is to idly stand by and watch good material get premptorily junked and replaced in an official publication by something that - to judge by what we've seen so far - seems ill-conceived, inconsistent and clearly *not as much fun* as the existing model.

If Glorantha stalwarts such as Nick, Peter, David, me et al are reluctantly compelled to reject HW content, I'm sure Issaries Inc would prefer we did it now, rather than later, when it's in print. This unfortunate circumstance would be unlikely to happen if HW authors worked with the sensible notion that the existing "fan" oeuvre should be looked at and used where appropriate. IMO, change for change's sake is just egregious scent-marking of the worst kind (as would be arriving at a concept markedly similar to one that already exists, as if from first principles, rather than admitting to liking the published version).

>You're the sort of guy who'd fight for the right to
>have an opinion, I am too, lets fight for each others
>right to speak without being dismissed by handwaving.

I think it's a tad precious to get het up about having a suggestion you made "rightly dismissed", when you rejected it yourself at the first opportunity!



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