Re: Gods, Truth, and Chaos

From: Alex Ferguson <>
Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2000 22:29:37 +0100 (BST)

Andrew Larsen:
> I sure this may outrage a few people on the list, but I think the Red
> Goddess is corrupt. That's certainly the perspective on the Lunars in RQ2,
> and while I like a lot of the stuff that's been written on the empire and
> exploring how it thinks, I retain the sense that the Empire is based on
> corrupt principles.
> Either Chaos is inherently evil or it isn't. Either the Orlanthi are
> right and the Lunars are wrong, or vice versa. The two cultures hold
> incompatible beliefs on this issue. So the whole subjective issue founders
> here, because both positions cannot be true simultaneously. You've made an
> objective decision that Chaos is not inherently evil.

It seems to me that it hardly takes a fully paid-up moral relativist, or indeed an Arkati Trickster Shaman, to see that the above is "subtle and open to question". Insisting that questions of good and evil are subject to determination of their 'inherentness' is only really a sustainable philosophical position if you're head of a major world religion (which itself may be unsustainable in several other respects, but let's not go there).

If you're going to start making such determinations, then you either have to pick and choose your Gloranthan cultures, and only present as rounded and viable those that agree with whichever value system you decide is 'inherently correct'. Or you posit some supra-Gloranthan position, and relate them all to that, to a greater or lesser extent. Neither seems to be to be satisfying from the POV of the aesthetics of world creation (to me, that is), and both pose obviously problems for presenting entire cultures and/or religions from a 'playable' POV. The logic of your position would simply brand all the Lunar cults (and most of that society) Evil and Wrong and for Non-Player Stereotyped Bad Guy Use Only, Elmal worshippers (say) as delusional followers of an inferior knock-off sun god, etc. I can't honestly see how this would enhance _anyone's_ Glorantha, let alone mine.


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