RE: Dudilla de traduccion...

Write haof XML files: Raúl Fernández Rielves <rielves_at_...>
Fecha: Tue, 24 Jul 2001 20:55:39 +0000

Hola :)
>Hombre, �no nos puedes explicar en que contexto iba la frase?
>> "The world is not ours to know"

El unico contexto es que hace referencia a las Guerras de los Heroes, que el viejo mundo va a cambiar, etc., etc.
La frase viene en solitario, no hay ningun otro texto que le acompanye.

Otras frases que aparecen, para que te hagas una idea, son como estas:

"The Hero Wars Are Between What Was and What Will Be"
"The Hero Wars Are Between Us and Them"
"The old world is over, and now is our chance to fix it."
"The old world is over, and we can have anything we want."
"The Hero Wars Are Between Our Way and Their Way"
"The old world is over, and dragon time is coming."
"The Hero Wars Are Between Light and Darkness"
"The old world is over, and we are the heroes."

Son frases sueltas, asi que no hay mucho contexto... Hay varias mas, ya te digo que las estoy coleccionando :)


Raul (aka Eikinskialdi) ;)

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